ethics Miss Nurul

Ethics ni mmg subject wajib utk para Chemical time hari pertama kelas lagi telah dibahagi tugas oleh Tuan Dr. Ir. Ch--. so kami sangat bertungkus lumus untuk menyiapkan kerja-kerja yang di beri 

  1. Group Project
  2. Group Assignment + Presentation
  3. Individual assignment
2 dah lepas which is no 2 & no 3 punya task....
so yang 1st ni sgt la menyusahkan... the job is to handle an event which the scope of the event have been shrank by our most precious mother Dean.. She want the event must specifically involve promoting Faculty of Chemical Engineering where ever we go. 

after all the consequences we faced, the event date come.. so yesterday was my classmate event, we help them as the group group member were  all women.. woman were born with their softness and gentility so Young Engineer and friends are responsible to give them a help. 

so these are few pictures that i can only snap...

ni la project manager diorang ngah brift ngan anak buah

with our sempoi lecturer (Dr. RM) mat salleh celup, BM dia lebih power dr BI dia.... 
mcm mna tu????

kusyuk adik2 kita ngan cikgu2 skali.... hahaha

mendengar dgn tekun penerangan dari akak2 n abg2 tentang peralatan dlm lab kami...

abg photographer profesional faculty, kdg2 amik gmba untk org kawen sama.. hahaha

golongan yang sudi memenatkan diri untuk sesuap nasi... hahaha jgn mare eh guys n gurlz

da best part, present gift ceremony... ni adiahnya...!! huhu lots of colour n i wish my world like this also.

n this cute cake coklat.. nyum nyum!! really love coklat!!

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