
keyh ni baru la nk menunjukkan aku ni sesungguhnya budak engins...huhu
hari ni kitorg blaja subjek Polymer ... so nk cita la sikit apa itu polymer...
tapi aku story dlm omputih, ok kot...:)

  • Polymer is a materials consisting of many small molecules (monomer) that can be linked together to form long chains which also known polymer... examples yg paling common plastic la, tak pon PVC, rubber @ getah pun polimer gak, dan banyk lagi bahan di sekeliling kita diperbuat dari polimer ni...

hari ni kitorang belajar nanocomposites, so sebelum aku further, aku story sikit apa itu composite..

  • Composite can be classified as any material which made of more than one component, examples; concrete which consist of cement, gravel, sand, and steels rod..
  • Dalam Melayunya --> bahan yang di bina dari lebih dari satu komponen seperti konkrit bangunan yang terbina dari campuran simen, batu, rod besi dalam satu bahan.. lucu la plak dlm BM... 

  • Nanocomposites in a simple words is a combination of more than one components which the size of the materials is less than 100 nanometer. for example; a nanocomposite system which inorganic particle ( for example clay) are layered than the polymer is structured into the empty space of the layer. 
figure 1.719: example of nanocomposites

  • This nanocomposites is create in order to:::

  1. Enhance the performance properties of the polymer.
  2. Increases the modulus and strength.
  3. Outstanding barrier properties.
  4. Improved solvent and heat resistance.
  5. Decreased flammability....
  • Nancomposite ni digunakan dalam bnyk bidang contohnya teknologi makanan, cat, dakwat printer berkualiti, teknologi komputer dan mcm-mcm lagi...

kajian yang pesat masih kerap kali
di adakan bagi menemui sesuatu bahan yang baru....

ok smpai sini dulu... ngantuk dah ni
selamat malam....!!!

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